Lessons Learnt The Hard Wa-eEeh!
Well, here's a random page of who my heroes are, in case anyone cared, and just so that i could keep track of 'em

My Trip To Novato Stuff

*-= (My Heroes) =-*

old stuff below

NEXT WEEK: (on hold for a while, i'm gonna cancel this one I bet, hits too close to home)
"The Haircut Consipracy" (can't be published, it's just not safe...for anyone!
This is the first part of this section, the Rude Person, one will be featured on here every once in a while, or one might stay on for years, if noone else is rude, in either case, BE NICE! (not just to me, to everyone!)

Added May 27th, 1999 (last revised the 28th)
Well, this week, how about a likely candidate: ME!
I am an asshole! hard to believe, isn't it?this is true for many reasons, some of which I will proceed to list:
I am an asshole, because I'm misunderstood. People rarely understand exactly what I'm talking about, so I proceed to explain it to them, thereby offending them, and making a jerk out of myself.
I am an asshole for putting up the above reason on this list. This is just an excuse, and even I know it so, even tho it can sometimes be true!
I am an asshole for making a website about people being rude, the first person I put on here (a few weeks back) is someone who holds a special place in my heart. I haven't a clue what I was thinking when I made it, i was trying to impress her, i guess, but oh well, who cares. I should really think more often. Wow, wouldn't it be imberassing if she got this? don't get any ideas, although i really could care less.
these aren't the only reasons why I'm an asshole as well. more later

but most of all, I am an asshole for WASTING YOUR TIME!

*Note that this page was created out of complete boredom, so I hope I won't offend anyone with this little revenge tool. Yes, I DO realize that by putting the rude people on here I am being rude myself, but get a grip on your self, it's only a joke! (i'm still rude, you'r absolutely correct!)
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