The Inside Scoop on the Prologue,
// and the rest of the 'book'
// it's kind of like a weird, strange
// rambling poem/prose full of nonesense with
// a wannabe beatnik type of feel to it
// memoir/diary thing
// first release, lots will change soon(some stanza's will have additions to them)
// I'll keep you posted
// (c) Paul Ivanov (1999)
// Last Updated on Friday, Novemeber 19th, 1999
// NEW: page 4, 5, 6, and "Lies"
// Last Revised on Friday, Novemeber 19th, 1999
- Prologue
- Crying, and reaching out
- Excuses
- page 3
- page 4 - Games
- page 5 - Stripped Of Innocence
- page 6 - A Road Trip
- Lies, on the bus
- A Bus Ride Through The City"
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