Dreams: An Insomniac's Nightmare (late '99) "Hey" said the stranger "Hey yourself." " 'Member me?" "Uh, no. 'Are You my Angel?' " (I quote Ginsberg in my sleep) "Better. I am you." "Oh..." I say, stuck inside my pupils I am a temporary in this bed-prison. Eyes open. My room, a Cyclops, opens his. Look out the window: A few dim stars inside the purple glazed eternity of black. The clock reads hI:h I knocked it upside down in a panic. The waves of blood that reach my brain in rhythmic patterns, Take back with self a piece of me to the abyss "Hey," I utter blandly. "Hey yourself." Shall I correct him and say 'myself'? " 'Member me?" "Uh, no. 'Are you my Angel?' " "Better. I am you." "Oh..." he, I, us both: blank faces. I drift away, but soon float back onto the scene Now I see twins, standing, staring at each other, At themselves. A third, identical to both, enters triumphantly. "Well, then who is that?" One questions Two. "Who me?" answers Three. "I am the both of you."