This is it boys and girls. My lame claim to fame has been tamed And I shall rhyme but once ag'ain Figures: that's what life is. I reckon there comes a time in every one's life When we have to complitely let go of something we can hold on to Something we WISH to hold on to. Another unmention drug of mine I speak of: Games. Yes, I'm calling it quits. Not cold turkey, of course. I am a coward, as you know by now Just that wheneveer I have something better to do I will now do it, as opposed to missing out for a fragfest. I don't know how many hours, days, and months I've spent in front of the warm glow of celestial quake And lately, how I've compulsively read every letter in anything that dealt with StarCraft. Turns out I have developed an addictive personality. Almost sad... and yet... much sadder it is that only now am I willing to admit that my supreme knowledge of the many games I have hyperbolized in my mind Doesn't mean JACK-SHIT!